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Superbooth24: Groove Synthesis Adds Sampling to 3rd Wave

Orinda, CA, May 15, 2024 — California-based electronic instrument maker Groove Synthesis today announced that they have added high-resolution sampling capability to their critically acclaimed Advanced Wavetable Synthesizer, the 3rd Wave. 

This much-requested new feature allows owners to sample up to 30 seconds of 16-bit, 48 kHz, monophonic audio into the synth directly or by importing audio over USB, and use it as a new oscillator type alongside the 3rd Wave’s powerful wavetable and virtual analog sound engines. This significantly expands the sound palette of the synthesizer. Now owners can create custom sounds that feature sampled acoustic instruments, sound effects, and other sources. 

The company will preview a new OS that provides this capability at the Superbooth24 music expo in Berlin, Germany from May 16-18 at booth #0246. The upgrade will be available free of charge to 3rd Wave owners as a download from the company’s website upon official release.

“As fans of the original PPG and its ultra-rare Waveterm sampling option, we thought it would be exciting to add that capability to the 3rd Wave’s existing architecture — if it was technically possible,” said Groove Synthesis founder Bob Coover. “It took some tricky programming, but we did it and we think 3rd Wave owners are going to love it. It’s a dream come true for everyone who wanted the full PPG-plus-Waveterm experience, and now it’s within reach.” 

While the 3rd Wave has roots in the classic digital wavetable synths of the past, it takes the concept firmly into the 21st century with a lush, expansive sound that’s a product of its expanded wavetables and analog filters. It’s hybrid design features 24-voices and 4-part multi-timbral operation, which is the equivalent of having four independent 6-voice synthesizers controlled by a single keyboard. Each of its three oscillators per voice can generate a classic PPG-era wavetable, a modern high-resolution wavetable, an analog modeled waveform — and now multi-sampled audio. With its industry-first Wavemaker™ tool, users can create custom wavetables in a single step through proprietary sample-to-wave technology, allowing almost unlimited sound sculpting opportunities. 

The 3rd Wave is available in both keyboard and desktop models and can be purchased through Groove Synthesis’ international network of dealers. For inquires, visit the Groove Synthesis website at or email at 

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Groove Synthesis is a Northern California-based electronic musical instrument manufacturer led by music industry veterans and alumni from Avid, Sequential, Oberheim, and Universal Audio. Their 3rd Wave Advanced Wavetable synthesizer has received widespread critical acclaim, numerous awards, and can be heard on many contemporary recordings, film scores, and television soundtracks. 

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